Coalition Profile Uganda

National Agroecology Actors' Platform (NAAPP)

Coalition Profile Uganda

National Agroecology Actors' Platform (NAAPP)


Direct stakeholders and beyond have shared information on agroecology, creating links between youth farmers and other actors in the agroecology value chain

The youth in the coalition had the opportunity to champion the development of the National Agroecology Strategy, and were consulted on a regular basis

The coalition supported the creation of spaces for youth participation in the policy making process. This was the first time that youth was part of policy formulation processes, including the Climate Change Action Policy and the dissemination of the National Organic Agriculture Policy


Direct stakeholders and beyond have shared information on agroecology, creating links between youth farmers and other actors in the agroecology value chain

The youth in the coalition had the opportunity to champion the development of the National Agroecology Strategy, and were consulted on a regular basis

The coalition supported the creation of spaces for youth participation in the policy making process. This was the first time that youth was part of policy formulation processes, including the Climate Change Action Policy and the dissemination of the National Organic Agriculture Policy